New Website: including Felsenbühne Rathen

It was done a few days ago: The new website of the Landesbühnen Sachsen, Germany’s second largest state theater with over 600 performances a year, went online.

The extensive project, in which many months of work have gone into, is designed to provide the visitor with the best possible information about what is happening in the theatre. Venues are not only shown, actors introduced and productions presented, but also the comprehensive repertoire range of the four divisions of the house and the many other activities and commitments of the state theaters are discussed.


In a clear display with a useful filter function, the theater enthusiast can display all performances according to their selected criteria, or simply browse through the entire schedule. Once the desired performance has been found, a ticket booking system is just a click away. Productions as streams are also no stranger to modern theater in the “digital” category.

In addition, information can be obtained via podcasts and an interactive theater game. A service area contains everything worth knowing that is important for partners and the press.

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